Anti-Fascist Struggle in Russia: ANTIFA and the Fanonian ethic of violent resistance.
Matthew Hargrove
April 29, 2011
Neo-Nazis are endemic in contemporary Russia. ANTIFA (Anti-Fascist Action) is a direct action anti-racist and anti-fascist movement that resists neo-Nazi occupation of the streets and minds of Russia. Positioned as an anti-colonial resistance to a neo-colonial problem, Frantz Fanon’s theory of violence is used to interpret the opinions on and experiences with violence that members of ANTIFA express. This paper is an empathetic analysis of secondary documents, including video, on the internet; all about or done by ANTIFA.
As a movement, Russian ANTIFA uses violence strategically as a method of resistance against the Russian neo-Nazi movement, which has created physically fortified forbidden quarters in the communities of Russia’s cities. ANTIFA is a unification of different sub-groups who advocate and utilize varying degrees of violence, but all sharing a common goal. Violence as a method of resistance is pursued as a strategy of empowering collective action, used in conjunction with varied peaceful activist strategies to create a unified and effective front against a visibly more numerous, well connected and powerful enemy. Violence is utilized by ANTIFA as a last resort in a situation where constitutional methods of resistance have failed, due to non-cooperation from the state.
I would love to read the full thesis!